Efficient voter outreach
Whether you’re running for city council, mayor, county commissioner, or school board, Bonfire powers data-informed messaging strategies that resonate with your local electorate. Gain a competitive edge by tailoring your campaign strategy to effectively engage the most receptive voters in your community.
Whether you’re running for governor, attorney general, or other statewide offices, Bonfire distills complex state-wide data into actionable insights. Understand the key issues influencing voters, discern demographic shifts, and identify emerging political trends in your state.
Whether you’re running for president, U.S. Senate, or U.S. House, Bonfire is your nerve center for strategic planning and messaging. Leverage our comprehensive national datasets to understand and tap into national sentiment. Pinpoint the voters most likely to connect with your issues, optimizing your campaign strategy and enhancing your outreach efforts to win hearts, minds, and votes across the country.
For Political Action Committees, Bonfire provides a data-driven edge in an ever-shifting political landscape. Use our comprehensive data tool to understand the political issues resonating with voters at every level.
Discover who connects best with your cause
Non-Profit Organizations
Bonfire provides a game-changing resource for creating data-informed strategies that expand your reach and enhance your impact. Match your existing supporters & donors to the Voter File, uncovering granular understanding of your target audience.
Advocacy Organizations
Equips advocacy organizations with the tools needed to drive meaningful change. Harness the power of our comprehensive datasets to understand the sociopolitical landscape, track policy impacts, and discern trends in public sentiment towards your cause.